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Mark Berry

Mark BerryMark Berry ...President, The Attack Group of Companies, music engineer and producer

The Attack Group of Companies started six years ago in a small one-room apartment in Toronto, Ontario as an independent record label. It is now one of the rising stars in supplying across-the-board entertainment content in music, film and television sectors around the world. At the helm is Mark S. Berry, an engineer/producer with 35 Gold and Platinum records to his credit. Mark shares his music and career-related experiences in an effort to help others explore their creative interests, and to inspire them to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals in the path of life that they choose. Mark truly has an inside view of the entertainment business from the majors to the independents as he deals with all of them in music, film and television on a daily basis.

As an entrepreneur, he has guided his own career from humble beginnings in Brooklyn NY, to London, England, where he apprenticed under Sir George Martin (The Beatles) as an assistant engineer. Nine years at Vanguard Records taught him the inside ropes of the record business and while learning from each of his experiences he has made choices that have allowed him to pursue his dreams and achieve his goals. Mark has worked with some of the biggest names in the music business including David Bowie, Paul McCartney, Burton Cummings and Duran Duran.

Mark Berry is a success story, both professionally and personally. As he continues to propel his career forward through the Attack Group, he has developed strategies that keep him on a path of continued success while maintaining his creative artistic integrity and delivering quality content to the world’s largest media buyers.

Always opinionated and controversial, Mark is able to stay on course, recognize and capitalize on existing opportunities, constantly creating new opportunities for his artists and clients, serve with a social conscience, and market his career in a focused and proactive fashion. In his interactive lecture/seminar, he teaches students how to apply these same principals to their own endeavors, enabling them to pursue (if they desire) a successful musical career, with great entrepreneurial flair, while also being a successful creative artist and positive influence in the NEW music and film business. Most people enter business looking for “the” path to achieve their dreams and goals. This program
intertwines the pursuit of dreams, achievement of goals, and the integration of arts into today's NEW music business and social environment.

Mark’s Lecture/Seminar Presentation:
Mark Berry is available exclusively through the MasterMedia Speakers Bureau.

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